11 months


Written on Friday, March 28, 2008 by mummyvaio

ari ni fareehah masuk 11 bulan!..dah leh jalan walaupon terkedek-kedek...n selalu jatuh sebab selalu nak kona cepat2...hehe...pandai masukkan donut2 dier dalam tiang dia...n sangat suka bagi mama buku soh baca..tp kadang2 sebab dier suka alih2 mukasurat buku...tak baca pon...just nak prektis alih muka surat...hehe...

i luv my baby...always!

ijyou desu.

terebi mi sugi?..


Written on Thursday, March 27, 2008 by mummyvaio

saikin ( seminggu dua nih..) byk sgt rasanya menonton bangumi property investment n home refurbish...hahaha...tp menarik bangumi dia..mcm semalam tgk grand design orang wat umah dlm tanah...mcm umah hobbits...hehehe...very high tech rumah dier...n very suprisingly umah dier tak perlukan boiler!...jimat elektrik n gas betul!...sebab suhu umah dier di antara 16 degree to 23 degree...iaitu 16 degree lowest pada waktu fuyu n 23 degree masa natsu..!so tak yah pasang heater time fuyu n takyah pasang aircond masa natsu!best2...sgt seronok juga tengok bangumi property investment di mana beli umah di auction n refurbish lawa2 with minimum budget n sell or rent it...suka tgk cara2 refurbish umah...to make it appealing for renter n buyers....apa akibatnya tgk byk sangat bangumi cani..?

kitorang dok terpikir...lambatnya lagi nak beli umah sendiri..ari tuh ader gak usha2...tp sebab kami di sini...susah lah plak nak urus jual beli...so mungkin tak de rezeki nak beli umah tuh...we keep on looking for this time being..to find a place to call home..



Written on Thursday, March 13, 2008 by mummyvaio

after a long silence,i manage to update my japanese sharing blog...nihongo de hanashimashou!...do take a look if u are interested...n do correct me if if there are any incorrect grammar,or word meaning...as i am still learning too...


pendidikan untuk anak


Written on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 by mummyvaio

i was browsing through susuibu.com ( click to see the website ) forums n came across this forum : muslim home school ( click to see the forum ) ...mummy read n read n cannot stop reading!the subject was very..very interesting....! i dont't intend to homeschool my children...but i do intend to provide them with the basic skills to learn.. listening n obeying rules,talking,reading,maybe writing or drawing,n of course counting...the basics element...not to train them to be a genious...just brushing up their skill to prepare them for school..

when i was small..i could read at 4..which is not so great pon..but my mum was quiet proud of me i think..but i did not learn to write until i was 7 which is when i enroll to school...i still remembered...how terkial-kial i was to write...when all my classmate could write already..( well most of them!)...but it was fun to learn when you were small!hehe...

anyways...back to the forum...it was a hot topic...n so much i did not know...such as buku-buku x-tra,iqra' ( heard of them but never see or used them ),GD products...methods to educate ur children, such as sichida methods,kumon ( very familiar...but not really sure of their methods!very popular in japan though nmalaysia)...n mummies there also gives a lot of tips n website to help to educate children...a few of mummies there actually have genius babies!wow!-there are ways to know if your baby is genius...read from NAGC website..back to education methods,of course using flash card is the most popular methods...i made flash cards for fareehah too..but using powerpoint slide...n show it to her after she is bored playing,reading her her books...or when i don't have ideas to entertain her anymore..it always works,especially when she is fresh from taking her nap!...because i made the slide to change quiet fast about 1 second per slide..she loves to see the slide changes...n using computer seems perfect to me because she cannot touch the slides..i am going to continue reading the forum today...

i was amazed how hard the mama work,to try to homeschool her babies!...terasa diri ini ...amai naaaa...motto ganbarou yo mummy!i am so glad i found this kind of network...which support each other!may this website help more malaysian mummies out there!



Written on Monday, March 10, 2008 by mummyvaio

hummm...macam mana nak mula yer....errr....aaaa....this is about the future...not so far away...bout 6 months from now...that is lepas hubby abes master degree...we are thinking of going back to japan for hubby to pursue his PhD...why japan?nanti la cerita...but it offers more opportunity than UK...generally for our family...n hubby has already found a suitable research lab n a suitable supervisor who already agreed to supervise him verbally...so sekarang tgh proceed dengan prosedur ke sana..for the first six month hubby will become a research student or in japanese kenkyu sei...before taking exam to qualify for a PhD..if he did well,the supervisor will take him as his PhD student...

as for me...my first aim is to sit for ikkyu exam,n pass with flying colors...the exam is held once a year on december,so upon arriving in japan,mungkin tak sempat nak bengkyo...so i plan to take the exam on december 2009...which gives me about a year to study n attend some classes...after that i plan to get me some work...which will make me change my visa to working visa plak...if tak dapat full time job,will get part time job....

as for fareehah,once arriving japan we will search for nursery,kalau dapat yg government punya la...kalau tak dapat yg private pon ok jugak...pasal kalau la boleh nak fareehah able to converse sket2 in japanese..alang2 nak dok nihon 3 thn setengah kan...english n malay gurai we can teach her ourselves..tp nihongo kalau lebih berpeluang bergaul dengan toddlers jepon lg cepat tangkap rashi...walaupon awal2 tu mesti dier blank je...tgk anak2 gaijin lain masa kat fukui...masuk tadika/nursery kejap je pandai ckp jepon...

hujan emas di negeri orang,
hujan batu di negeri sendiri,
baik lagi negeri sendiri...

cantik,indah,senang n maju mana pon di negeri orang,lebih baik di negeri sendiri...di negeri orang tetap dipandang as an outsider,foreigner,gaijin,alien....di negeri sendiri...feels truly at home...hope everything goes well n bole balik mesia cepat...