finger food


Written on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 by mummyvaio

fareehah started to eat finger food since she is about 7 months finger food to baby is such a messy most of the food will end up on the floor...but the baby will enjoy it sooo much,they don't even care about anything else...most of the time fareehah has bread for her finger food...sumtimes pear,or banana,or grapes..she will play with her food n practise to put in her mouth using her first she will put so much,that she cried because her mouth was soo full she could not chew them...but now she can control the size of food going into her mouth better...n chew them good before swallowing them..i think she likes finger food so much because she can pick things with her fingers n pop it into her mouth without me grabbing it away from her...i am thinking to introduce her to more finger food so that she can feed herself with hand better,n its a good motor skill practice...found a wonderful page,n thought to share it with it is --->

finger food

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  1. Pinkwatch |

    hello there.. just nak bgtau hati2 bagi baby grapes.. record dekat UK nie ramai budak yg mati choking makan grapes.. sampai satu ketika mmg health visitor larang saya kasik grapes pd baby... slalu saya kasik, saya kopek grapes tu dlu bagi terbukak then baru kasik.. klu bgi sebijik camtuh bahaya jugak.. buleh baca sini

    just to share...

  2. mummyvaio |

    aaa...ader baca juga...saya pon kalau bagi kat fareehah grapes memang kopek kulit n potong sket kasik leper...tak de la bagi sebijik tu...takut tercekik,sebab dier baru pandai far so good..=)...macam dier suka kunyah grapes...agaknya sbb kenyal2 kut rasa dier...

    tq for the good info..
    by the way, blog kak dilla memang dah personal ye...


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