bana harumaki,anyone?


Written on Saturday, June 21, 2008 by mummyvaio

This is a recipe that i learned whilst working as a waitress in Rasa Sayang restaurant,Fukui. It is a modified version of pisang goreng so it is more acceptable by japanese people..more presentable more likely. We called it banana harumaki...n it is very simple to make...may be served with tea...or as a dessert to accompany the main dish.

To make this simple dessert you will need banana,sugar,crunchy peanut butter ( but if not available the smooth ones will do ), n kulit popia...i forgot what it is called...hehe..

Just spread a spoon of peanut butter onto the popia skin and put the can split the banana into half or quarters...which ever you like...and sprinkle a pinch of sugar...fold the skin...put it into a plastic bag and freeze them in a freezer for a night at least..

when you want them,heat the oil..wait until the oil is hot..take out the bananas and fry them really quick..just until the skin is brownish...serve hot...but the bananas will be cold you will feel like eating ice cream goreng!

can be kept in the freezer for about 3 months,thus handy to have in the house for a quick serve if sumone comes over!

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  1. Pocket |

    pernah rasa and here i am giving second opinion,
    sedap gilosh!!...
    kalau bebetul mummyV buat cam yg kat fukui dulu, memang lah sedap gilosh,
    so kepada sesapa kat luar sana yg nak try, buleh la amik resipi nih,
    kitorang dulu actually pays for this. :D

  2. mummyvaio |

    terasa wat cam jadi sebijik macam kat fukui tuh..just masa goreng first batch tu..minyak tak cukup panas..pisang dia jadi lembik sket n tak sejuk pastu dah tau..hohoho...sebijik sama cam ding jual tu..rasa kalo lagi banyak taruk peanut butter lagi besshhh..

  3. :: !zyan :: |

    hmm...mmg nampak sedap pun.


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