Written on Sunday, December 30, 2007 by mummyvaio
Just wanna share a marvellous cake recipe i got from
mamafami.Really yummy,should give it a try!The original recipe was yellow cake,but i changed it to rainbow cake because i made 5 layered of them with rainbow color,just to make it merrier for the festive,though i think the icing was badly done.It looked funny.Well here goes the recipe...
just done cakeRAINBOW CAKE
Ingredients :
1 cup butter
2 cups white sugar
4 eggs
2 1/2 cups self-rising flour
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Method :
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees Celcius).
2. Grease well 5 baking tray.
3. In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and sugar.
4. Beat in the eggs, one at a time.
5. Combine the milk and vanilla.
6. Add alternately to the creamed mixture with flour, ending with the flour.
7. Mix only as much as necessary. Split batter into 5, mix with some food color.
8. Pour into the baking tray and bake till golden brown.
what is left of my cake the next day....
i made 5 layer,but the yellow layer i left it at home because the cake looks too tall for my taste.Could not get the sliced picture of the cake,cause it was gone when i want to get it at the serving table..the next day cut the leftover cake into two pieces,and sandwich them together with leftover butter cream n have a cake bliss...
Written on Saturday, December 29, 2007 by mummyvaio
Yey!!..alhamdulillah my baby is recovering..masih dedar sket2...tapi she seems pretty cheerful today...=) singing..n babling in her baby talk..sejak baik sket nih rajin dier meniti kat sofa..berlatih jalan kot...yey lagi!
tokoro de...
been tagged by ms pinkwatch...thought could spend sumtime doing it...
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night.My hubby,iman
2. What were you doing at 0800?still sleeping...
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?Changed my baby's diaper
4. What happened to you in 2006?Got married to my loving hubby,iman
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?Aba~ng...fareehah tak mau tido...( it was 12 am she woke up n refused to go back to sleep! )
6. How many beverages did you have today?1- Tea
7. What color is your hairbrush?Orange
8. What was the last thing you paid for?Bus ticket to town
9. Where were you last night?at home, where else?
10. What color is your front door?white
11. Where do you keep your change? my pocket..does not carry wallet around nowadays.
12. What’s the weather like today?nice n warm...coz i don't go out...not bother to see outside.
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?green tea..( really..?lots of people hate it...but LOVIN it!)
14. What excites you?Sumthing to read or write
15. Do you want to cut your hair?No, thank you
16. Are you over the age of 25?of course
17. Do you talk a lot? not much of a talker
18. Do you watch the O.C.? nope
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?hummm...steven gerard kot yg glamer
20. Do you make up your own words?Guess so..though some quote here n there..
21.Are you a jealous person?Not obviously
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’Aida
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’ Koh Pek
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?Abang UK
25. What does the last text message you received say?handphone rosak..tak le cek aa
26. Do you chew on your straw?Sumtimes
27. Do you have curly hair?No
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?No where.I'm good here
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?Sumone from my primary school
30. What was the last thing you ate?Chocolate
31. Will you get married in the future?No,I'm happily married.
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?Coach Carter
33. Is there anyone you like right now?Yes, my hubby n my baby on top of my list!
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?After i had my lunch
35. Are you currently depressed?Nope
36. Did you cry today?Nope
37. Why did you answer and post this?Tagged by pinkwatch
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey. nafnaf,kak fid,bundel,kak yan,kak salmy
Written on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 by mummyvaio
my baby is sick...calpol does not give much effect.she got cough,cold n fever altogether...almost three days now...gonna ring the gp tomorrow.she looks thinner n not as lively as usual....haaa...hope she will get better soon..misses her laughs already...
Written on Sunday, December 23, 2007 by mummyvaio
kalau masa kat nihon dulu, selalu bile ada majlis ape2...girls selalu tanoshimi je tgk dessert...walaupon perut dah penuh dengan nasi,ayam,etc...guys always said...korang leh makan lagi ke...n the girls always said...bole...kitorang ader betsu bara...
kepada yang tak faham bahasa jepon let me explain...betsu bara...kalau ditranslate sebiji-sebiji dalam bahasa inggeris jadi another stomach..so...korang bole la agak sket2 maksud dier kan...frasa ni selalu digunakan oleh perempuan...sbb kami suka makan bende yg manis,such as kek,puding,jelly,coklat...eventhough tadi dah makan banyak...still boleh lagi sumbat sket dessert dalam perut..tak tau la lelaki bole ke tak ader betsu bara nih...( tp hubby cakap lelaki tak leh..) tapi most of the girls/women i know...that is including me...can have betsu bara...pernah baca n tgk tv ader orang buat kajian pasal betsu bara nih...
katanya betsu bara bole terjadi apabila kita nampak benda yang sangat tempting untuk dimakan...oleh itu otak kita akan hantar signal...hoshiii...( nak...nak...) ..oleh itu, otak akan suruh sejenis enzim dalam perut kita untuk menolak makanan yang kita makan tadi ke usus bawah...( usus besar ke kecik aaa..lupa daaa..) ..menyebabkan kandungan gula dalam darah kita turun dan wujudnya ruangan sket dalam perut kita untuk diisi lagi...tapi yang amazing nya...diorang tak tau kenapa perkara nih bole terjadi hanya pada perempuan...lelaki yg diorang test sumer tak le jadi camtu...pelikkan...
tokoro de...aidiladha this year agak sepi...did not went beraya because hubby don't feel well...so just stayed at home on eid...untuk majlis korban balai malaysia ari tuh...kitorang tak terlibat pon dalam masak2 gulai korban...just buat sebiji kek kecik...rainbow cake...n buat air oren...tp gulai kambing ari tuh memang sedap...daging lembut n kuah sedap!!...pandai betul diorang nih masak..mummy tukang makan je..hehehe..kak hasni n along kata diorang ader call mummy raya aji..tp tak angkat...pelik plak..sbb memang tak de miss called pon kat handphone mummy...ni mesti gara2 tak der denpa ( line )...selalu kalau hubby hantar sms...dier dah sampai umah baru la sms dier sampai...sori ne minna...n yesterday, handphone mummy officially dah rosak tak le pakai!!!keypad tak le tekan dah...bole on/off je...lawak...kene air liur budak comel tuh...basah tahap tak bole diselamatkan...sesapa nak call mummy...sile call my hubby ok...
p/s: new year is coming...do u have new new year resolution????
Written on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 by mummyvaio
a few days ago try perah sket susu,nak try bagi sayangku minum dlm cup...tp kuar sket giler!cuak sesangat...alamak...susu dah kering ke..?..terus ganbare blk mkn kurma byk2 n chanto minum susu ari2...tp pastu terfikir...kalau sayangku tgh nyusu one side...the other side mesti meleleh gak kuar...so takkan la tak cukupkan?maybe sebab dah tak pam kot...bg direct breastfeed je maka tak kuar sgt bile perah...tp on the safe side....still ganbare mkn kurma n susu...
pernah tak korang dibagi opinion pelik2 masa breastfeed baby?ni antara yg mummy tak le terima...kalau org ckp camtu mummy rasa...ya Allah...nonsense nyer!
1- kena bagi dua-dua belah...sebab kanan tu makanan...kiri tu air...kalau bg sebelah je baby tak kenyang...mummy jarang sgt bg dua-dua belah...bg sebelah...sampai dier tido,or tak interested...n my baby chubby jer mcm baby yg bg duer belah...ada scientificly nape kene bg sebelah sampai kosong...tp malas nak tulis...
2- baby kene jugak bg air kosong,nanti dier tak suka minum air,or haus,or lidah kotor...bg mummy,takde nye camtu..dah besar nanti mesti dier minum gak air kosong..n kalau haus bg jer la nyusu lg...aper susah...lidah kotor?mulut baby nyusu ni wangi la...bukan cam org dewasa...tak gosok gigi,busuk...
3- susu belah kiri lebih cair dari belah kanan...hummm...mana org dpt idea ni tak tau la...mungkin diorg tak nah pam susu kot...
apapun susu ibu adalah lebih terbaik untuk baby dari mana2 formula milk...wpon betapa mahal...n glamernye brand susu tu...percayala...tu je kesimpulannyer...
selamat menyambut aidiladha..
Written on Monday, December 17, 2007 by mummyvaio
Tahukah anda, bahawa frasa demam bola bukanlah hanya satu frasa,tp satu fenomena yang boleh terjadi kepada mereka yang kaki bola?adakah anda ada suami atau boyfriend atau adek-beradek yang kaki bola?Ask them..if it is true...
Ahad, 11 am.....
Seorang lelaki mundar-mandir dalam umah....muka sungguh excited sekali....wife is watching tv sambil main-main ngan anak...
H: err....raser cam tak sedap perut la....nape aaa...
W: nape...dah makan kan...gastrik ke..? ( risau gak sbb hubby mmg ade gastrik..)
H: ehhh....dah ...makan dah...
W: hummmphhh....sakit perut bola la tuh...hari nie man u lawan saper?
H: liverpool....ye ke...gi study blk la jap....ari ni nak gambare tak tgk score kat internet...nak tunggu mutv tunjuk match ari nih...
W: hehe....dekiru ka....(bole ke...)...lawan pkl bape?
H: pkl 1...haaaa...btul ke sakit perut bola aa?
W: yerr...dulu ader satu game man u tak score lg...abg sampai sakit perut....lepas score 1 goal...hilang terus...hehe...tah pape je...
H:hehe...pernah ek...hehe...( sambil gi bilik sebelah nak sambung study...)
Ahad, 1 pm...
the hubby masuk living room balik....
H: aa...dah kick-off....pkl 12 nanti baru leh tgk...haaa...bukak espn soccernet la...
W: heppp....rilek aaa...
H: aaa....
W: be cool man...( buat2 nada macho...yg tak jadi..)
Ahad,12.55 pm...
H:aaa...lama tak rasa excited tgk bola...selalu tgk dah tau score....
W:aren't u glad u wait....baru la syok!
dipendekkan citer..man u won!1-0...hehe...n the hubby was so happy...
Isnin,2 am...
H: panasnye...! honey...rasa la dahi nih...panas...cam demam plak...
W: aikkk....menang pon demam ke....(sambil rasa dahi hubby)....tak abes excited lg kot...
H:yer ke...sebab tuh ke...
W: cuber bwk bertenang jap...
10 mins later....
W: hehe...dah tak panas pon...demam bola jer nih...
H: ye ke....hehe...sbb bola ke...btul la demam bola...org tak le kata demam bola as satu phrase je la kan...mmg btul bole jadi...
hmmm...see?it can happen..!true story....
Written on Saturday, December 15, 2007 by mummyvaio
this morning was in a mood for chocolate-y breakfast...so mummy made some chocolate chip tappuri lempeng...or in english,pancake...very easy..n yummy...nice treat for your children...n urself of course!
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chocolate chip tappuri lempeng :
chocolate chips
1 egg
pinch of salt/sugar
just mix them all together,n fry in a pan...no need to use oil/butter if u're using non-stick pan.icould never make a nice round shape...so mine look woobly roundish.i like to make them small...about the size of a small cup...so that i can 'ngap' them easily...hehe...serve hot...the chips will melt in ur mouth not in ur hands!
got some cool google gadget for website...i have the news reel...whilst hubby got the man u n english premier league gadget...the man u gadget..look so cool..!check it out on his blog...
thebookshop n to get some cool gadgets...just type google gadget for website on google...there is a lot of fun stuff!have a look eh!...errr...mata ne...baby has woken up...hehehe..
Written on Thursday, December 13, 2007 by mummyvaio
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apakah mokuteki gambar ini?tak der ape...hehe...saje main2 kamera kat umah...test function macro dier..nampak sgt tak der mende nak wat,eh!hahaha...can u guess which one is my mug?...the belang2 mug...is so very big...can make ur stomach full just drinking from that mug!n here is another shot of the mugs..gelap sket sbb auto kan ISO dier...hummm...tp mug depan nampak clear...yg belakang blurry sket..see the difference?
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tokoro de...
ari ini jalan2 kat town..gi amek gambo depan display fenwick....waza-waza je...haha...pastu gi jln2 kat metrocentre..saje jugak...tp last2 beli dua baju kat primark...( mcm kat town takde jek...) sports world ader kasut nike budak 2 paun...tp rupenya kiri n kanan lain saiz!cettt!...balik dah gelap pon...sejukk..singgah lg kat co-op...beli food..WE ARE A SMALL FAMILY WITH BIG APPETITE!...especially...dessert!...
tokoro de...
sukenya tgk how i met ur mother..!!!korang agak sitcom nih leh tahan baper season eh???..
Written on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 by mummyvaio
few days ago made cream sauce spagetti...masak sesuka hati..mummy memang suka masak ikut suka hati...taruk je ingredient sesedap ati...haha...asal ader rupe okla kan...haha...anyways,to make mummyvaio cream sauce spagetti, u need:
spagetti ( obviously la kan)
black pepper
kiub pati ayam-takder pon bole
sekeping salmon fillet ( potong kecik sket )
asparagus ( tp kat umah takde, so i used celery )
cream-kalau ader lg best...it will be creamier...
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cara-cara memasaknya:
goreng garlic n pepper with butter...sampai wangi.
masukkan susu n kiub pati ayam.kacau..agak2 cam mendidih,
masukkan salmon n celery..
masukkan cream,salt...biar sampai sepekat mana korang suka..
curah kuah atas spagetti...
walla!u're done!
note: pakai asparagus lg best dr celery..n kalau org yg terer masak tgk resepi mummy mesti kata merapek btul budak nih...tp as long sedap...ok je kata mummy...hahaha..!
selamat mencube!
Written on Monday, December 10, 2007 by mummyvaio
just wanna share things about my baby...
1- sgt suka tgk iklan desmonds n kyle xy
2- tak suka makan bubur nasi,tp sgt suka mkn roti
3- sgt takjub tgk kamera...kalau acu kamera depan dier...trus serius muka...n sebole2 nak amek kamera tuh
4- tak suka air masak...sgt suka mummy milk...tp juga sgt suka kurma shake ( whole milk+kurma)
5- sgt suka baring atas pangku sambil juntaikan kepala,thus seeing thing up side down!
6- sgt suka laptop mummy,yet bila kitorg bg dier main laptop dier,dier tutup laptop dier!
7- sgt marah kalo mummy mkn tp tak suap dier juga...
8- hanya duduk kat bumbo bile nak mkn...or ader org dekat dier...kalau dok sorang2 nanti dier nangis!
9- sgt suka main remote control tv,yet bila kitorg kuarkan bateri tak heran je tgk remote tuh..(pandai!)
itu saje..mata ne!

my baby with her 'laptop'...using this to distract her from my laptop...with not much success...
Written on Saturday, December 08, 2007 by mummyvaio
korang pernah tak mkn coklat celup2 nini?...ari tu gi beli breadstick n choc hazelnut spread kat tesco...mkn cam coklat nini...sedappp tidak terkata...make me high on chocolate!!!dah mkn tak le stop!!!siler la cube yer!
ari nih chein kawen...sungguh pon chein tak baca blog mummy...i wanna wish her go kekkon omedetou gozaimasu..!!o shiawase ni...n murah 'rezeki'...selamat memulakan idup as bini orang...!hahaha....to aida n naf...pleaaase amek gamba byk2!...nak tgk chein pakai wedding dress!
tokorode lagi...
cepatnye dah bulan disember...n cepatnye mummy nak naik lg setahun umur...aaa...lg 3 thn nak 30 dah..???!!!!hayai!!!teringat masa nak gi nihon...terasa muda lg...just 20...the world in front of me to be explored...tup2...dah keje..kawen..ader anak...haha...dulu i always imagined myself to be a carrier mum lepas abes blaja...yet here i am...a SAHM!!!how ur world could turn out...u never know...maybe recently miss hustle bustle of working or masa jd student dulu...hubby always said that he will support me 100% of my decision...to work...not to work...whatever i want...n i fully appreciate it...luv u darling!...i have not yet made up my mind...whether to be SAHM forever or not...i really need to think really thorough bout this...for the time being,hubby suggest that i start making some paperwork of my dream nursery....not a bad suggestion eh?hubby seems to read my mind...recently thought about my dream nursery a lot...lots to plan and research if i want to make my dream come true...wish me luck people!maybe one day u will drop off ur babies in my nursery!hehe...who knows?
Written on Thursday, December 06, 2007 by mummyvaio

last night while putting sayangku off to sleep...me n hubby talked about what if...what IF we were still in our previous job in shah alam...our life would be like this :
wake up every day at 5 am...get ready for work...drop off baby in nursery at seksyen 17...where most of people in our workplace drop their baby too...7.30 am till at least 5.03 pm...deal wit all the meetings...n the big machines...n the operators...n me trying to squeeze in some time to pump mummy milk...the nice thing is we (me n hubby) could have lunch together everyday!...at 5.03pm if nothing occurs...( like entertaining some Japanese bosses at production floor whilst they look for our faults! ..or 5S meeting or other PQC thingy..) i could get off work...unlike hubby who rarely gets off at 5.03...cause he dealed with customers complaints..n central QC stuff...pick up baby from nursery n pick up hubby...or drive home if he has to work until early night..if hubby busy...prepare dinner ...entertain baby n wait for hubby to call...maybe between 8-10 pm...pick hubby from workplace...get home...quick dinner...n off to bed...for tomorrow...then on weekend are the two days to squeeze everything for our family...the lepak2 in our home,the shopping,the picnic,the gathering wit frens n family,balik kampung...either parit buntar or klang...
to imagine such little time for our baby!!!...luckily,we are here now...and we are savouring every moment we have wit our daughter...time do fly fast...n they are young,only once..once hubby finish his study...and we settle down back at HOME...life will be hectic again...i wonder what kind of mum i am gonna be...a carrier mum again?maybe...may be not!hummm...maybe should open nursery or sumthing so i can work near home...

Written on Wednesday, December 05, 2007 by mummyvaio
Gelagat budak kecik comel dlm bilik travel lodge...all pics end up blurry because she was always on the move
eh..!mana mama...i thought she went through this door?
owhhh....maybe kat toilet ke..mamaaa..!
gi kat abah la...i saw him hold the nice looking orange-thingy!
i thought i heard my mama's voice...may be not!
huuu...ambek nafas jap...then i'm going after the orange-thingy!
aikkk!tak aci! abah angkat tinggi2..!i cannot reach it!!!
p/s: decided not to post part-2...too lazy too work my brain right now!..
Written on Monday, December 03, 2007 by mummyvaio
last weekend we went to the notts game...first time away from home..!well..we went there because i'm playing volley...we got up about 4 am,hubby pick up Along n her friend from their homes n sent them to uss..they were going on bus.then back home n pack our stuffs into the car...mean while baby woke up because she heard me woke up...she looked sleepy but she was already tatatete-tatatete...so we changed her nappies n all..n tuck her in her car seat...well,she only sit there for about 2 minutes,n she started to shriek n cried...she wants some mummy milk n wanted to go back to sleep...we waited for everyone at 4.45 am sharp in front of mierza shop.when we arrived nobody was there,so i thought that we were late!after about 5 minutes did we saw people came out from muazzah's house...ouhh...we were not late after all!everyone started to arrived..at about 5 am we departed from fenham...we stopped once at scotch corner service for solat,n continue our journey...baby slept on my lap most of the time...the sun came out...very beautiful...but i could not snap much..n the shots were not so good anyway...we arrived at nottingham university about 8.30 am i think...n it was freezing!!!n packed with people!!!seriously...ramai nye malaysians kat uk!!!
our game started at 12 pm..so we watched badminton first....talk about our game,i played so badly..that i thought maybe it was a mistake i came!all my serves did not go in..arrggghh...anyways,we managed to win 2 games n went for semi-final!!...for semi i did not play at first...our team looked nervous n tense...n the opponent were so good...they even got a coach!unlike us,who only trained once!!!baby was so very cranky n so loud!...she was shouting n crying...n shouting again...i guess she was so tired n could not sleep because all of the noise...n she could not crawl as freely as at home...cian my baby...even when i was playing i could hear her cries...can u imagine how loud she was..?well she is not an easy baby in her own nature after all...so i still can keep calm n tried our best to make her happy.....
ouh...back to the semi....during the game our player was hit by the ball...squarely on her face! one scary moment that was!!!the hit did made her felt dizzy n blue on her eyes...luckily it did not effect her sight...i imagined that if it was me...my glass will get in my eyes...errr...scary thoughts!well, i got in...n not being any much help...huhu...we lost the game...but personally i thought...quite an achievement...since other teams looked so prepared n all..so we snap few pics...n packed our stuffs to retire to the travel lodge...
we arrived at the travel lodge n rest for a while...well not actually rest..because the baby got so excited that she can finally crawl freely...she looked almost like having a set of wheel on her...crawling everywhere...so fast...while babling...tatatete-tatatete...n smiling broadly....haha...!we managed to change her outfit...n her nappies n get ready for dinner...abg zaidi n abg rusni family did not go along for dinner...so we have extra passenger in our car....unlucky for them...the baby cried so much n so loud for most of the journey to the restaurant....tried everything to calm her...but she only want her mummy milk...at last she got what she wants...although she looked quite uncomfortable wit her positioning...but at least she did fell asleep...n stayed asleep in the restaurant in my lap...we ordered chicken briyani n chicken tikka briyani...ate n talked...my stomach was so full...i was thinking how lovely it would be to sleep once we were back in the travel lodge....
yet when we arrived in our room...the baby was once again no longer sleepy or cranky!she wants to play.....huaaaa....tried to make her sleep...but she went angry...n i let her play...n watched her crawl everywhere wit my eyes half closed...told hubby to sleep cause he needs to drive tomorrow...after a while,baby banged her head under the bed table...n cried...she had some mummy milk n was sound asleep...yess...finally i can get some sleep!...more post tomorrow for our journey on sunday....baby wants to sleep in my lap...n i haven't yet have my lunch...am hungry!!!...ouh also will uplod pics in my fotopages later...check it out ya!!!
mata ne!
p/s: people keep telling me how suprised they were when they heard my baby loud voice....hummm...is it a positive comment or negative...hummm...weelll...its the family trait i guess from my hubby's side...well maybe it will become her identity here!the loud baby...haha!
Written on Friday, November 30, 2007 by mummyvaio
got an age character prediction from my sister in law.quite fun to try.been long since i play these uranai things...so this is us...n by us i mean me hubby n my little one...betul ke idak?u judge urself..if u know us
-abstract thoughts-loves reality and abstract-intelligent and clever-changing personality-temperamental-quiet,shy,humble-low self esteem-honest n loyal-determined to reach goals-loves freedom-rebellious when restricted-loves aggressiveness-too sensitive n easily hurt-showing anger easily-dislike unnecessary things-loves making friends but rarely show it-daring n stubborn-ambitious-realizing dreams n hopes-sharp-loves entertainment n leisure-romantic on the inside not outside-
-thinks far with vision-easily influenced by kindness-polite n soft spoken-having lots of idea-sensitive-active mind-hesitating-tend to delay-choosy n always wants the best-temperamental-funny n humourous-loves to joke-good debating skill-talkative-day dreamer-friendly-knows how to make friends-abiding-able to show character-easily hurts-prone to get colds-loves to dress up-takes time to recover when hurt-brand conscious-executive-stubborn-those who luv me are enemies
-active n dynamic-decisive n hateful but tend to regret-attractive n affectionate to oneself-strong mentality-loves attention-diplomatic-consoling-friendly n solve other people problem-brave n fearless-adventurous-loving n caring-suave n generous-emotional-revengeful-aggresive-hasty-good memory-moving-motivate oneself n others-easily get too jealous-sickness usually of head n chest
p/s: baby got her jabs today...no more jabs until she is one!!yey!!hopefully she won't get high temp ...cos we are going to the nottingham games tomorrow..just standby the calpol...just in case...
Written on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 by mummyvaio
yeye!mysayangku dah boleh merangkak forward!..walaupon cam terkedek-kedek je lg...tp YEY!!..first time mummy biaserla kan...excited jer...hahaha...sayangku can sit on her own too!..as soon as she started to crawl ...she sits!nih sehari duer nih sibuk nak panjat2 plak...panjat abah..nak panjat mama...hai budak comel nih...la nih kalau mummy n abah gi dapur terjerit-jerit panggil kitorang...lawak btul...separation anxiety ker haa...tp raser dier makin kurang nangis sejak pandai macam2 nih...kalau jatuh2 tergolek ker..tak der la nangis sgt...tp kalau dier tak mo tido lg n mummy paksa tido...menangis-nangis!!!hai anakku...will uplod the video kalau dpt...so that embah n wan kat mesia can see...bateri digikame asek cepat jer kong...sbb suhu sejuk sgt ke..( malas nak pakai videocam tuh sbb leceh nak upload ke laptop..)
p/s: currently reading The Learning Curve...last week beli kat carboot...agak menarik juga...
Written on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 by mummyvaio
malam semalam mummy browse internet...looking for something...that i cannot remember...pagi nih baru ingat!mummy nak cari buku the malay dilemma,ditulis oleh tun dr. mahathir mohamad...bagi mummy he is a good thinker,n give good critics...despite of all the bad things other people said about him,he did put our country into a better place...tanpa dia mengasaskan DPT,mummy tak sampai ke jepon agaknya..kisah bagaimana dier ( atas nama malaysia la..) beli 3 UK large companies, guthrie,simedarby n aper aa lg satu mummy luper lak...rasa mcm citer hollywood je...takde ke org nak wat film ekkk?...leh wat cam citer james bond woo...masa malaysia menghadapi inflasi pon Dr.M buat langkah yg bijak dgn tak meminjam dr IMF ( btul ker aa..) or US...kalau la dier pinjam from deorg...agaknye negara kiter nih dah bwh kuku US agaknya...isshhh....byk plak membebel....for me he is a good PM...walaupon dier pon byk jugk isu2 kroni,etc...n i really don't like politics..!!!..byk putar belit...parti mana pon sama...tp don't get me wrong...i still think politic is important in order to establish a country...mummy berminat nak tau pandangan n kritikan dia pasal org melayu nih...mesti menarik,walaupon pedas!!!...
org selalu tanya aper mummy wat kat umah...selain jaga si kecik comel nih...i try to read something new...via internet or books.skrg kat umah byk buku masak n novel n baby...so i would like to widen my knowledge to something other than home...baca paper online je tak cukup...to be a more dynamic thinker kan?moga tak hangat2 taik ayam la...
p/s: kat mph ader...rm32.40...murah...nak tunggu blk mesia ker aa baru beli...kat amazon mahal jugak...hmmm...nazeka terasa org mesti penin baca posting nih!
Written on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 by mummyvaio
~ sayangku has started to crawl on her hands n feet,backwards!
~ sayangku eats bread n fruits n soft veggies,but dislike porridge!
~ sayangku learned a new vocab - tatatete!
~ sayangku learned to shout...or to be exact shriek!
~ sayangku loves mummy's laptop,mummy's handphone n all the electronic gadgets!
~ sayangku loves to stabilize her body on one hand only...maybe trying to learn how to sit on her own.
~ my cousin,along azreen arrived here last saturday to pursue her phd in newcastle uni (statistics)
~ hubby said we could plan a trip ( hint:london) for winter break,yey!!
Written on Friday, November 16, 2007 by mummyvaio
hoshii na...kono trekker for my sayangku...retail price is GBP49.99....they have buy 1 get 1 half price...tp nak beli 2 wat pe..?is it too much for my baby..?but we seldomly bought anything as luxury as this for her....only twice je...one was the lamaze hand n feet play thingy...n the other is her pink sweater from mothercare...which she uses almost everytime we go out...haaa...hoshii na...mummy jer yg nak lebih2...haha...my baby tak kisah pon...at ebay they sell it at about GBP30 plus postage sumer....should i bid???...it can be used from 6months~3years...and it has parent handle that can be used like stroller...to push ur baby around lika a stroller....dou shioooo....hoshii!more bout this item --> mothercare 5 in 1 trekker
Written on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 by mummyvaio
last night made some bihun wit sosej...it is not my jiman no ryori...tp hubby said he loved my bihun..so when i asked him what he wanted for dinner,he said bihun please...nak jadik cerita..blended cili dah abes...so blend la yg baru wat stok dlm peti ais..n tinggal sket dalam blender so that leh blend wit onions n garlic....it turns out out tertinggal tlbih byk from biasa!!! my sayangku tuh plak tak nak main ngan abah dier...menangis2 nak suh mummy dier dukung..last2 amek bumbo dier letak dekat kabinet so that dier bole nampak mummy memasak...n let her play wit her spoon...tak tenteram btul masak dgn sikecik tuh kat dapur...masak pon cepat2 aje...masa masak rase mcm pedas sket...tp ingat biler campor bihun kurang sket...unfortunately not!!! huaaa....cian my hubby mkn bihun pedasss sgt...mkn ciket jer...selalu bertambah byk...nih sket je...tak tahan penangan cili tuh....gomen ne....nanti buat lg bihun i'll be more careful okey...:P
Written on Monday, November 12, 2007 by mummyvaio
on saturday hubby received an e-mail for hotel reservation made on our behalf by our friend in newcastle.the e-mail said that the password is nurulain...hubby called me and said
"honey,kalau silap2 honey tgk emel nih,nanti honey tanya SIAPA NURULAIN...!!!??? awek baru?ex-awek?admirer?..."
( part lepas urup besar tu saja tambah...kasik dramatik sket...haha..)
bole jd perang umah-tangga woo silap2...hehe...maybe they thought my name is nurul ain kot...?maybe i always introduce myself as ain, that not many knows my full name huh?...err...just for the record....my name is nor ain...hehe...peace!!
Written on Sunday, November 11, 2007 by mummyvaio
This weekends highlights :
doraibuu-doraibu --> play volleyball at cowgate ( tanoshikatta..lama gilo tak exercise!) --> go open house at 196 dilston rd ( very delicious dishes!) --> ASDA ( for groceries of 2 mths ) --> doraibu2 lg ( konon nak carik millenium bridge...hehe ) --> blk n call mak
Priory and Castle Tynemouth ( samuiii...tak jadi masuk...amek gambar kat luar n cepat2 masuk kete...hoho! ) --> Royal Quays outlet centre ( hubby bought himself new shoes...n tracksuit for me..next time am gonna buy jeans n cute shoes for fareehah..n cute shoes for iffan n fikri..byk nye!) --> hexham carboot ( baju lg for my sayangku ) --> hadrian's wall --> doraibu2 a little bit more n go back home...
will upload pics later on my fotopages...penat dah....mata ne!
Written on Friday, November 09, 2007 by mummyvaio
Nihongo don don wasurete kita naaa....reason...?lama tak guna...except biler borak wit hubby...tuh pon campor2 nihongo+melayu+eigo.....cano tuh...tp sgt rugikan kalau lupe...sekkaku dah belaja noni...ado cita2 nak ajar sayangku nihongo nih...tp yg selalu guna pada situasi cani...
1- sayangku ngesot2 dgn lajunya ke arah fireplace...sambil korek2 lubang fireplace tu...
mummy: eeiii....dame...dame...kotor
2- sayangku ngesot dgn lajunya ke arah heater...n try to touch the hot heater...
mummy: eeeiii....dame....dame...hot!panas!...
tuh je yg berjaya mummy ajar kat sayangku....bole camtu?if....hubby sambung phd kat nihon plak ...kenela brush up blk nihongo....
tokorode...teringat iklan ader restoran malaysia kat ncl cari pekerja...teringat masa kat fukui dulu jadi waitress kat restoran rasa sayang...hehe...cam bes je mintak...tp sayangku camno...?
Written on Wednesday, November 07, 2007 by mummyvaio
when mummy is too lazy to spend soo much time in the kitchen i just throw all the ingredients in the foil wrapper and pop it in the oven for 1~2 hours...n play wit my baby...this is 'ayam masa malas'
black pepper
oil ( veggie/olive)
carrots or any veggies u like
just chop a little onions,ginger n garlic...put all the things in a baking tray,wrapped it in foil n walla!u're done!everything is according to ur own taste...i love the gingerly taste n smell, so i put a lot of them in.so if u're lazy to cook in the kitchen like me..just pop everything in the oven...or just head off to mcD or KFC or mamak !
p/s: my hubby luurve it!! so i guess it tastes good?hehe...
Written on Tuesday, November 06, 2007 by mummyvaio
mummy masih baru di sini...lot of things that i don't get about melayu here...recently hubby byk dpt emel dr maling list orang2 di sini...n i read along...emel yg sgt mencemarkan persepsi mummy terhadap melayu di sini...
mula2 baca emel tentang tak setuju balai uruskan pasal game aper tah...n anjurkan latihan pon tak bole....apa salahnya ( someone has to do it! )...tak rugi..tp untung...bole sesama melayu berjumpa,bermain bersama,mengeratkan silaturrahim...plus...menyihatkan badan....perlu ke berpecah sampai nak main bola satu padang pon susah...hello people..!sukan is sukan...jgn la campur2 dgn fahaman politik/personal dispute masing2...kan lebih meriah main sama2...alahai melayu...
lepas2 tu ader pulak tak puas hati pasal ajk2 balai ( sbb tgh nak lantik ajk baru kot?) ...sampai dibangkitkan perlembagaan persatuan yg kertas hitam-putih nya entah ke mana...dier aje yg betul org lain tidak...sampai berbangkit nama menteri2 lah...bn la...umno la...entah ape2...encik yg kononnya mengaku matured tu mungkin luper agaknya...bahawa perlembagaan bole ditukar,yela undang2 negara pon bole ditukar kan...ni kan pulak undang2 persatuan yg sekecik balai...yg tak bole ditukar hanyalah undang2 Allah...emel2 ni memang sgt tak sensitif terhadap perasaan org lain...dan gaya ckp mcm tak respect org...so jgn harapla mummy nak respect org mcm ni...
dalam emel2 nih jugak ader terselit unsur black mail,n mengata sesama melayu...hiii...allergik btul ngan org camni...bender2 yg ader sikit unsur islamic pon nak repot kat kpt konon...mcm la aktiviti yg dibuat tuh tak elok...usrah kan elok...tpt berbincang hal2 agama,tambah pengetahuan jugak...bukan ajak gi tunggang botol arak...bile dibaca...mummy terasa mcm pengirim tuh mcm tak puas ati ngan one group...agaknya kelab umno sini ader due...mcm dlm buku sejarah kata ape....haluan kiri...haluan kanan..?mungkin group satu lg nih cube wat pembaharuan kot...n dier tak le terima...so dier buruk2kan group satu lg ni...asek kate group baru nih memecah belah..n provoke...ayat yg paling mummy mukatsuku dgr 'hati-hati dgn ...' mcm org2 tuh criminal plak...bukan dier ajak pecah umah org ke...hai melayu...group satu lg pon ala2 dah kene provoke nak melawan jugak...buat keras kepala sendiri jugak...mmgla gaduh tak abes...
yg mummy perasan pengirim tuh suka btul sebut ttg menteri n kerajaan bn dlm emel dier...kenapa yer?adakah cuba nak bgtau org dier berpengaruh dikalangan menteri2...wakannai na....pengirim tuh mungkin lupe...manalah tau ttibe ader waktu yg dier kene minta tlg kat org2 yg dier anti tu...mcm mana...kenapala mcm ni...mungkin biler melayu ramai jer sket kat satu tpt tu begini jadi nye?kat tpt2 ramai melayu kat uk nih mmg begitu ke...?ke melayu di uk?...yg membaca mesti kata...mummy nih pandai ckp je...baru lg kat sini,mana tau citer..mungkin jugak ye...
tp mummy mbandingkan pengalaman belajar di nihon...tak mcm ni pon...mungkin komuniti kami lebih kecil...jd kami lbh concentrate utk berbaik wit each other...buruk2 pasal org sendiri tau diam je la...buat pe hebah kat org...sapa nak jadi presiden pon tak gadoh...sapa nak join umno ke ( kat jepon pon ader kelab umno..)...nak join jepon ke...nak join persatuan agama ke...no hal...asalkan biler diperlukan bagi kerjasama...bila kohai ( junior ) dtg,sama2 btanggungjawab uruskan,bila nak wat ape2 aktiviti sumer turun padang...tak kira golongan ape...team tak ckp member nak wat team bola,impot je melayu uni lain...no hal...nih satu tpt punye org pon nak jadi masalah...hai...kawan2...mari dgr pantun kawan...
"kawan-kawan,kenapa mau lawan,
kita kan kawan,dulu kongsi teh secawan,
kawan-kawan,kenapa mau lawan,
kan ke cukup rezeki tuhan,buat kita ramai-ramai makan."
p/s: kalau org2 ncl baca..ni pendapat peribadi mummy..kalau nak mukatsuku kat mummy pon mummy tak kisah...tak nak tegur mummy pasni pon tak pe...life goes on babe!kalau non-ncl..nilah dunia kan?macam2...
Written on Monday, November 05, 2007 by mummyvaio
Hmm...tak tau nak letak tittle ape pulak....ari ni rasa mcm muri je nak bergerak...sayangku asek nangis je bile gi dapur...2,3 ari ni she is very clingy...mungkin nak pandai ape2 ke....tp mmg dier dah pandai ngesot ke depan...mcm askar combat tuh....nak belaja merangkak kot?time2 dier clingy nih la...hidupku rasa tak terurus....kalau tinggal die to masak ke n dier nangis bukan bole biar....nanti makin kuat n ngeri gaya nangisnya....kenala mummy dok melepak kat dier je...nih pon dier tido on my lap..kalau letak dlm 15 minit dah jaga...tak sampai ati nak letak..sbb babies need a lot of sleep to thrive well kan?...hmmm...my high need baby....doa jer semoga dah besar jd anak yg baik,pintar,sumer yg baik2 la....a lot of people said that she act that way because we hold her too much...well,i don't think so....we hold so much because when we don't she will scream her head off...better penat mendokong dr hear the baby screaming her head off kan?she is like that sejak lahir lg...hmm...org kata baby yg byk peel nih cerdik...btul la kot kan?aminnn....tp sayangku kalau kalo tgh hepi...mmgla...satu living room nih dier berguling...bergelak....tak pe la susah sket skrg...bukan lama dier kecik kan...nanti jap je dah besa...huhu...nak tgk charmed la plak...jya ne!
Written on Friday, November 02, 2007 by mummyvaio
Reasons why you should breastfeed your baby...Very interesting!...i took points that i like the most...more details here --> 101 reason to breastfeed ur baby
- Baby's suckling helps shrink mother's uterus after childbirth
- Formula Feeding is associated with lower I.Q.- Breast milk is always ready and comes in a
nicer package than formula does
- Breastfeeding satisfies baby's emotional needs and increases bonding between mother and
baby ( my baby want this one a lot! )
- Nursing helps mom lose weight after baby is born
- Formula feeding may increase risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Breastfeeding is easier than using formula ( Yup!Selak aje! )
- Breast milk is free ( betul..)
- Formula is expensive (mahal…kalau anak allergic kene beli yg special plak lg…)
- Breast milk acts like a natural tranquilizer for baby
- Breastfeeding acts like a natural tranquilizer for mom ( kalau nak tido,masa bf mmg cepat je
- Breast milk tastes better than formula ( rasa mcm susu pekat taruk air..)
- Breast milk is always the right temperature ( always warm..)
- Breast milk provides natural pain relief for baby
- More sleep for dad (hubby said-betul!betul!)
- Fresh breast milk is never contaminated with bacteria
- No need to worry about which brand is better ( ada 1 brand je,ur own brand!)
- Breastfed babies have great skin
- Suckling optimizes hand-to-eye coordination
- Breastfeeding is a self confidence booster for mom
- Much nicer diaper changes
- Breastfed babies smell fantastic…wangi…syok cium byk kali!
- It's what breasts were designed for!
if u want to breastfeed!congratulations n gud luck...because breastfeeding pon ader ups n downs!but if u want it,u will succeed!
Written on Thursday, November 01, 2007 by mummyvaio
After spending a night in hospital,we went back to mum's house.the first day at home,i fell in mybathroom..the floormat was some how slippery...luckily my stitches are not torn...luckily,since i had quite a long stitches...( only swells a bit..but it did made sitting much harder...) my baby spent most of her time sleeping..n feed when she is hungry...however during the day when she cried,her cries were weak sounding to me...i feed her every 2-3 hours...n my milk has started to come in...n boy...my breast felt so heavy...n starting to ache every morning...i would gladly feed my baby every morning to make it less heavy..haha..eventhough she slept a lot she was very good at breastfeeding..she suck so fast..everyone was amazed that this little girl could eat so much,so fast.( she is one strong baby )..then my hubby had to go away for a course in penang..n that was the time my baby started to cried so loud during the nights...it started bout 11...n end about5 or 6 am in the morning...she was unconsoleable...we changed her diaper,bounce her,rock her,sing to her,read her ayat2 al-Quran,walk her in the house...nothing would work...at that time she had reflux...she will spit out,almost every feeding..thus my mum said not to give the breast everytime she cried...n try other method first.,but the only thing she wanted was the breast...once her lips touched the breast,she was quiet n happily sucking..she kept waking every one to one n half our...n cried..n again we will try everything to console her...n failed...only the breast will comfort her...at that time i knew my baby use my breast not only for feeding,but as a source of comfort...like a pacifier..n she would not take any other substitute!(clever girl!) the extreme crying went for a week...n i was sooo sleed deprived,by the end of the week...n was practically begging my husband to come back because i don't think i can manage alone...yet some how..i survived..so everytime she cried,i'll offer the breast first,n when she is asleep again i'll check her diaper n changed it if necessary...n get some sleep after that.the motto breast first,others later become my motto...n it worked everytime...the only thing that remains are her ear piercing cries..( until now )..she never cried with low volume...but with the highest volume..that when she cried people willthink that she is hurt or sick..n for a few weeks...i could predict when she will wake up..n feed her...my stitches still hurts at that time...but making sure my baby is well was more important...a few days before the confinement piriod end,we went back to parent in law house..n the night cries started again...but only for a shorter time...everyone keep suggesting that she was kembung...or hungry...but both were not the case...she just want to suck for comfort...or org utara called 'menggonggong'...she suck for for full one or two hours..n wouldn't want to be put down...i fell asleep half sitting with her on my breast...well that time was hard..but we survived.
moral* no matter how hard the situation might,u'll survive..hehe...
new about sayangku:
yesterday,for the first time she said abah when she cried..usually when she cried,she said mama..n said abah or babah when she is happily playing..
Written on Tuesday, October 30, 2007 by mummyvaio
when i was pregnant with sayangku,i already made up my mind to breastfeed her.i read a few web page about breastfeeding,n thought it wouldn't be such a hard work...when sayangku was born,we were separated almost half a day before i could hug n feed her...everytime we asked the nurse for our baby...she said that the baby was not warm yet...being a new mother who does not know anything,i just wait patiently for her.she was brought to me about 8pm...n she was sleeping...n i could not help wonder if the nurse have given her any formula milk...when my family came to visit...she woke up n cried a little...my mum told me to pick her up n gave her my breast...n i did...that is where it all started.she sucked a little n quickly fell asleep again.my milk had not come yet at that time,so i don't think that she will suck for a long time.the first time felt wierd actually...to see this small creature at my breast..n her being quickly asleep...does not match the picture i saw in magazines...hummm....bout 11pm the nurse took her back to the nursery because she had a high temperature...n i was dissappointed again to be seperated from her.next morning i got her back about 9 am.i was alone in the room.everytime she cried i would pick her up n give her my breast.but she would not suck long...n quickly fell asleep again..( after a few months i learned that sumtimes baby born with ventouse help would feel dizzy,n spent the first few days sleeping...that could led to jaundice then..) the nurse came in n asked if she had any milk n if i have any milk in my breast..i told her what happened,n she came back with a bottle of fomula milk n told me to give it to my baby if she woke up.after that my parents in law came.everytime the baby cried i would give her my breast n ignore the bottle.at noon the nurse came back n asked us about the bottle...n we get a scolding for not giving her a bottle!at last my mother in law gave her the bottle,n she drank it till its empty...n my heart broke to see that scene...even if it was for a good cause...we got back home to my mum's...i felt better because my mum will insist me to breastfeed her no matter what other people said or think,but that will be another story...so do not feel sad if ur first breastfeeding moment is not as beautiful as shown in the magazine...some people just had a few bumpy ride before it goes smoothly...don't be discourage...always pull urself up back,because that is what mums are...brave people!believe me!next will be my breastfeeding story during confinement...later ya!
Written on Sunday, October 28, 2007 by mummyvaio
.JPG)
on saturday sangat teringin nak makan nasi ayam...n pujuk2 my hubby tu make nasi ayam for me...my hubby made one of the most delicous nasi ayam in my list!...huhu sungguh syok nye dpt makan nasi ayam...hehe...the best nasi ayam i've ever taste is
1- my hubby's
2- ami cafe
3- food court near convent kat klang...
i luv nasi ayam sooo much...when i was small,whenever we eat out i would order nasi ayam...maybe it was the chicken...or maybe it was the rice...or the sambal..or the kicap...i don't know...maybe ALL...!that get me hooked to it!...wanna know the recipe???ask my hubby la...hehe...
Written on Sunday, October 21, 2007 by mummyvaio
We have come to a new conclusion...sayangku...might be a high need baby...it is not a bad thing...it is just what she is...this article taken from dr sears web page.The bold ones are sayangku's traits...
"Why is my baby so different? She is not like any of my friends' babies. They sleep through the night. They're happy being held by anyone. My friends don't seem as tired as I am. What am I doing wrong?"
Sound familiar? Your baby acts the way she does because that's the way she is. Your baby acts the way she does, not because of your parenting, but because of her personality.
You can read the intensity of the baby's feelings in her body language. The fists are clenched, back arched, muscles tensed, as if ready for action. Intense babies become the intense toddlers, characterized by one word -- "driven." They seem in high gear all the time. Their drive to explore and experiment with everything in reach leaves no household item safe. Some high need toddlers maneuver around the house carefully, but most do not. These babies run headlong toward a desired object, seemingly oblivious of everything in their path. Soon it dawns on you that the same behavioral trait that can exhaust you will also delight you. The same drive that gets your toddler into trouble also leads him to a level of creativity toward which other children may not venture. Your job is to help him drive more carefully and on roads that he can handle.
Parents, remember that, like all the words used to describe high need children, the term "hyperactive" is not a negative tag. At what point a normally active child becomes a "hyperactive" child is a judgment call. Calling your busy toddler hyperactive does not mean he will be burdened with this label forever, or that he will someday be tagged hyperactive by a school psychologist. This term just describes how your child acts, without making any judgment about whether it's good or bad. "Hyperactive" in an infant or toddler is not a disorder, it's a description.
High need babies extract every bit of energy from tired parents -- and then want more. Though parents use the term "draining," it's not a clear analogy. What you give your baby doesn't go down the drain. Perhaps "siphoning" is a more accurate term because what you are really doing is transferring much of your energy into your baby's tank to help her thrive. You will need to muster up as much of a positive attitude as you can; try to think of these "draining" days as "giving" days. This will help get you through those high-maintenance early months.
Many mothers seem to have an internal energy gauge that magically brings in more fuel just as the tank nears empty. There will be days of incessant holding with no breaks. But just when you feel you can't cope with another day of giving, you get a second wind, and suddenly you can relax and enjoy your baby's unique personality blooming. It's as if baby senses mother's breaking point and backs off a bit. There probably won't be any days off, but some days will be less difficult than others.
As you advance toward your mid-terms in baby comforting, you will soon learn that feeding is not only a source of nutrition, it's an easy tool for comforting. Studies show that babies who are fed frequently, as needed, cry less than infants who are fed on a more rigid parent-controlled schedule. In cultures where babies rarely cry (there are such places), infants breastfeed around twenty times a day. Researchers have attributed the mellowness of the babies in these cultures to the effect of frequent feeding on the overall organizing of the baby's biological systems."Schedule" is not in the high need baby's vocabulary. Early on these smart infants learn that the breast or bottle is not only a source of nutrition, but also a source of comfort. In fact, research has shown that non-nutritive sucking (sucking for comfort more than food) is one of the earliest ways babies learn to settle.
High need babies don't just merely request feeding and holding, they demand it -- loudly. This feature more than any of the others pushes parents' buttons, causing them to feel manipulated and controlled. Adults who are stuck in the "parenting equals control" mindset may have great difficulty realizing that babies' demands equal communication, not control.
Being demanding is the trait of high need children that is most likely to drive parents bananas, but it is also the trait that drives children to succeed and excel. A high need child with a corresponding demanding personality will, if nurtured and channeled appropriately during the formative years, exhaust teachers as she did her parents; yet she will also be able to extract from adult resources, such as teachers, the level of help and education she will need to thrive in academic and social endeavors. This is why it is so important not to squelch an infant's expressiveness. The ability to know one's needs and be able to comfortably express them is a valuable tool for success in life.
As the high need infant grows into a high need toddler and child, parents must also help her learn that her demands must be balanced against the needs of others, so that she can learn to be a likeable and compassionate person as well as a demanding one.
"Why do high need babies need more of everything but sleep?" groaned a tired mother. You would think that high need babies would need more sleep; certainly their tired parents do.
Not being able to satisfy a baby's needs is very frustrating for parents of high need babies. It seems like a direct attack on your abilities. After all, isn't a contented baby the hallmark of effective mothering? Wrong! There will be days when you nurse, rock, walk, drive, wear, and try every comforting technique known to man or woman, and nothing will work. Don't take this as a sign of failure. You do the best you can, and the rest is up to the baby. You have not failed as a mother even if your baby is miserable much of the time. This is simply part of his personality. Meanwhile, keep experimenting with one comforting tool after another, and you will eventually discover one that works - - at least for that day. Then you will feel like a genius! Keep your detective hat on to find clues to your baby's discomfort. Constant trial and error is how you build up your baby-soothing abilities.
Along with their unpredictability, these children show extremes of mood swings. When happy, they are a joy to be around; they are master charmers and people pleasers. When angry, they let everyone around them feel the heat.
When he is happy, he is the happiest baby around, but when he is angry he is the worst baby around. He is still that way, sunshine and smiles, anger and daggers. He has no middle emotion.
The child's unpredictability makes your day unpredictable. Do you take him shopping and risk a mega tantrum when his first grocery grabs are thwarted, or will this be a day when he is the model shopping cart baby, charming everyone at the checkout counter?
High need babies are keenly aware of the goings-on in their environment. "Easily bothered," "quickly stimulated," "like walking on eggshells" is how parents describe their sensitive babies. High need babies prefer a secure and known environment, and they are quick to protest when their equilibrium is upset. They startle easily during the day (for example, we learned not to turn on the blender if Hayden was anywhere nearby) and settle with difficulty at night. While you can carry on normal family life without waking most sleeping infants, these babies often awaken at the slightest noise. Super-sensitive infants are unlikely to accept substitute caregivers willingly.
High need babies crave touch: skin-to-skin contact in your arms, at your breasts, in your bed. They extract whatever physical contact they can from their caregivers. They also crave motion. Holding is not enough; the holder must keep moving. If the holder wants to sit down, it had better be on something that rocks, glides, or swings. This constant holding may be particularly difficult for new parents who expected to have the magazine model baby, the one who lies quietly in the crib gazing at expensive mobiles. This is not the play profile of the high need baby. Parents' arms and bodies are his crib; mother's breasts are his pacifier, and a bouncing lap is his chair. Most high need babies choose to upgrade their accommodations from the crib or playpen to the baby sling. They like to be worn many hours a day because they like the physical contact and they like to be up where the action is. Smart babies.
Another unrealistic expectation new parents often have is that babies will soothe themselves to sleep with the help of a pacifier, a music box, or some baby-calming gadget. High need babies are smarter than that. They want to interact with people, not things. Parents will often report, "He just can't relax by himself." High need babies need help to fall asleep. They must learn to trust their parents to help them. This will help them learn to relax on their own, a skill that has value for a lifetime. Crying oneself off to sleep is not a good way to learn to relax. The best way for a baby to learn to relax and fall asleep is to have his behavior shaped for him by a parent. Once a child learns to relax on his own, he'll have no trouble falling asleep, when he's tired, on his own.The quality of wanting people instead of things as pacifiers, while initially exhausting, will eventually work to the child's advantage. The child will have a better grasp on interpersonal relationships, especially being comfortable with the quality of intimacy.
The song "Only You," could be the theme of most high need babies. These infants do not readily accept substitute care and are notoriously slow to warm up to strangers. As a mother of a clingy baby described it, "Amanda didn't like new people or new places and seemed to be in a continual phase of separation anxiety. Babysitters wouldn't watch her because of her reputation as a screamer. This was hard on me because I desperately needed a break from the intensity of my child."
It helps to see separation from the baby's viewpoint. To most adults, especially those of the "babies must learn to be independent" mindset, baby and mother should be separate persons, able to function on their own. Babies don't see it that way. In their minds, mother is a part of themselves, and they are part of mother. Mother and baby are one, a complete package. These babies feel right when they feel at one with mother; they feel anxious and frightened when not with mother.

Written on Friday, October 12, 2007 by mummyvaio
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua...esp family di Klang n Parit Buntar,kawan2 2nd,fukuians,gundaians,Panasonic,Newcastle...dan semua yg mengenali kami...kami kat sini raya ari jumaat!!huhu!...assalamualaikum..
Written on Tuesday, October 09, 2007 by mummyvaio
ramai orang selalu kata sayangku ikut muka hubby...tp this is the proof people..!!!she looks equally like both of us!yeay!
Written on Monday, October 08, 2007 by mummyvaio
the thing about me...is i really love to eat...never really diet...except during confinement...tu pon sbb mcm2 pantang tak le makan ...abes je 44 ari sumer bedal...i love trying new recipes...but mostly i stick to the usual favourites...haha...anyways..last sunday we went to boot sale in wallsend...guess what??got two cookery books!!...nigella bites n naked chef...for only 2.50 pounds!!!...what a bargain!already go through nigella bites...i like how she present her recipes in her words..the words are not rigid...more about loving cook...n food...haaa...n the pictures are making me wanting to cook...cook...cook...!!not yet read the naked chef...but the pictures looked amazing!..

also...we got 3 piece of outfit,n a few toys for sayangku...n a windbreaker for hubby...managed to get a few pics at town too...hopefully wit these two books..i'll be more creative in the kitchen...walla!
Written on Thursday, October 04, 2007 by mummyvaio

sejak pindah umah,kami memang tak de periuk nasi...masa sblm flight mmg ingat nak bawa periuk nasi yg dpt hadiah dari panasonic tuh...tp biler tepon MAS diorg kata bole bawak sampai 65 kg jer..jadinye kitorg pon repack blk brg2 kitorg..sbb kalau bole tak nak baya lebih...hehehe...alih2 masa kat klia diorg kata 80kg pon bole nih...ade byk lg bole isi...isk2...terasa tensen la jgak...sekkaku dah reduce brg2....grrr...!sampai2 sini rupenye rice cooker tersangat la mahal...brand cam tah hape2 pon at least 10pound....haaa...gaman shikanai na....terpaksala mummy masak nasi atas api aje...2,3 kali masak terlembik la jugak...semalam baru dapat masak just nice!hahaha..nampak sgt takde skill memasak!...mummy pon sehari duer nih moody jer sbb boring kat umah tak tau nak wat pe...tv tak de lagik...nak jln2 mcm tak tau nak ke mana...ari nih pon ingat mcm boring le mkn nasik..so wat spagetti...dlm pkl4 kot tetibe loceng umah bunyi!...sape nih ...org tgh masak nih ..dgn sayangku dok merengek2 lg...bukak pintu..rupenye hubby wit the new rice cooker!!beli kat fenwick lg tuh!!!wahaha...huhuhu...cayang hubby ku!!!mahal woo..periuk nasik...mmg kene bwk blk mesia aa...hahaha...lepas nih kene la rajin masak nasik ekk!...lgpon ader org teringin nak makan nasik goreng ikan bilis...hehehe..esok ee!
Written on Thursday, September 27, 2007 by mummyvaio
today hubby do not have any induction program,thus we planned to go groceries shopping at ASDA...ASDA sort of tesco or giant in malaysia ...we have tesco here but it is quite far from our home...we went there by bus...n it was quite a journey...from home we walk to the bus stop at stanhope street..taking bus no 39...then at the city centre,we took bus no 100 to metro centre...(which is the 2nd largest shopping center in europe...-ain's hubby nyebuk skit ni..hehe)...yups metro centre is so big...n not so much things to buy there..haha...from there we took metro centre circular,which stops right in front of ASDA,IKEA n few more shops...we bought most of our food stocks...luckily hubby brought his big bagpack...after shopping we put those groceries in the backpack n headed back home...it was so heavy...luckily the bag did not tore..such a useful item it is!..so we took metro centre circular --> no 100 bus --> no 12 bus ( which stops nearer to our home..) we were so tired when we got home n slept until all the workmen at our home left!..n i cooked veggie soup n omelette for fasting break...hmm...should we get rice cooker????we'll see...( lama tak masak pakai periuk biasa...susah nak bajet air...hehehe )
Written on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 by mummyvaio
hello again..!dah seminggu lebih tak blogging...just arrived in here...n just moved in to our new home...we stayed at ustaz house about a week..baru dpt masuk our own home...skrg nih pon leh guna master bedroom jer during the day..sbb ader org wat keje pembaikan umah..our landlord is Mr.Arif...org pakistan...ramai giler org pakistan kat area nih...thus,byk gile kedai mkn halal...tp mkn luar mahal la...kedai ayam n daging halal pon dekat je..hubby gi school pon tak la jauh sgt...area nih kak fida ckp area org low class...org yg pendapatan rendah...nampak la org dier lain sket..so kene chui selalu..tak le bwk duit byk2...or handbag besar2...tp nowadays..bwk beg pon isi nappy sayangku aje...talking about sayangku...die kene selsema...samui kara ne...last sunday gi carboot sale cari baju2 tebal sket utk dier...then dpt jugak snowsuit utk dier...kalau selsema makin teruk nak tidurkan dier dlm snowsuit la....tp mcm kene cari lg sket baju harian yg tebal utk sayangku...hubby dah stat gi school everyday...tp ari ni mungkin halfday jer...so kalau sempat nak daftar sayangku kat GP..n gi town carik brg...n kalau sempat lg balik leh sambung kemas umah...ouh..bout our flight..percaya tak...sepanjang flight 12 hours gi london..sayangku tak mo tido dlm cot dier...terpaksa riba dier sepanjang flight...lenguh2 jugak mummy...jeles je tgk baby cot sebelah tido lena je...sampai airport ok jgak...tp lama2 tuh cranky jgak dier asek nangis je...last2 kitorang bentang towel kat lantai kasi dier guling2...baru dier happy sket...pastu dier cranky blk...sbb ngantuk...lama giler nak tidokan dier...masa naik fligt gi NC...bantai mengamuk plak...sbb seat tuh kecik...dier rase sempit kot...kesian sayangku...sampai umah ustaz...terus tidokan...kat sini takle nak mandikan ari2..sbb org kata takut kene paru2 berair...so lap2 aje...seminggu sekali or dua je mandi...nasib baik sayangku tak mandi pon wangi hehe...skrg tgh busan...sbb tak le kemas umah lg..baru kemas bilik tido je...will update later..jaa ne!..
Written on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 by mummyvaio
sayangku can roll over very efficiently now!!yeay!!...even woke up in that position with her eyes half closed...hehehe...so cute...she has new habit ( hopefully for this just mean time..) to speak out loud...so loud..that people can hear her from outside the house...( genetic i guess..? ) ...we are at mum`s house right now...have moved out from our apartment...everything is so sudden..yet it is kind of relieving..all our things have been packed to PIL`s house...another 3 days until sayonara malaysia...haaa...right now in process of repacking our stuff into the luggage...haaa...total of 6 luggage...two hand luggage n 4 to the cargo..i guess this is the last post until we are settled down there..n get internet...that is if we can afford it...but good news is..hopefully next year we get a raise in our allowances...as bajet 2008..included it in one of its agenda...alhamdulillah..
we hope everything will be smooth n safe...we will be landing in Heathrow about 6 am...n have approximately 6 hours before our flight to newcastle...hopefully we can at least have sayangku bathed,change her clothes...nappy..feed her before leaving to newcastle...so hope to see you soon blog !
Written on Tuesday, September 04, 2007 by mummyvaio
These past few days...sayangku actively practice her new skill...rolling over...she even roll over in her sleep...!!!...a few times she rolled over with her head down...i was so scared that she might suffocate...i could put her on her back again when i'm awake...but what if i'm sleeping like dead..n she roll over like that?...haaa....though i did realize when she is not comfortable in that position..she does cried out...so...am i worrying too much??? i also noticed since she could roll over more confidently now, she talks more...most of the time after she rolled over,she lift her head n talks...baba..bubu...uwaawa...wit a lot of different intonation as if making conversation to me or hubby...she talks even more after feeding...maybe she is telling me that she loves mummy's milk...hehehe..today before retire to bed we played on the bed while feeding...she talks so much..n her voice is so loud...hubby came in to see why she was so excited...hehe...so cute...currently i am actively trying to increase my milk supply ( well,breastfeeding is hard work..believe it or not ! ) ...since ramadan is coming...got a few tips from susuibu.com
1- drink milk daily...but not too much
2- drink a lot of water
3- eat kurma/kurma juice
4- eat oats
5- drink horlick
6- eat pegaga/pegaga juice
7- dried longan...can fresh longan count too?
so i tried to drink milk everyday..during sahur n before bed...mix it with horlick n oat...haha...eat at least 7 kurmas a day...n lots of water...though it means more frequent trips to the toilet !! hope everything works well!!!since sayangku eats a lot now. gud luck to me..
Written on Sunday, September 02, 2007 by mummyvaio
Kenapa yer...orang selalu komen macam2 kat orang yang menyusu anak...tak bagus ke susu ibu...tak cukup ke zat2 yg dlm susu ibu nih...as far as i know...susu ibu adalah makanan terbaik bg bayi...kat atas tin susu formula tu pon ader tulis..tak baca ke...?hummm...entahlah...saikin mungkin rasa depressed sbb org keliling dok kata sayangku itu dah bole mkn solid...bagilah cereal,etc...tak stat lg bagi cereal...kadang2 bagi isi kurma sket kat dier...ader sekali kasik sket betik lenyek jugak...mummyvaio nih memang tak kisah kalau org soh kasik sayangku mkn utk dier explore rase makanan2 lain...tp sangat sedih kalau orang kata kene bagik makan sebab dier nanti lapar...abis tu yang selama nih mummy kasik susu badan tuh kan dier kenyang...badan montel lg...kalau sayangku meragam bile menetek...sgt sedeh biler org tanya susu tak de ke..? rase self esteem utk nyusukan sayangku turun sket satu anak tangga...kalau org komen malu lah nak menetek kat tempat org ramai...rasa macam nak ckp jer...tetek aku...suka ati akulah nak selak2...bukan buat ape ...bagi anak makan...lg bagus dr pakai seksi sana sini tak tentu pasal...mcm ader satu kali masa wat visa ader aunty tuh cam mak datin...dok depan kitorg...pastu sayangku nangis2 nak susu...bg la tetek kat dier..lgpon dier bukan nak hisap botol pon wat penat je perah kat botol...dier tanya...lbh kurang camni la..."tak bg puting ker?"..aku jawabla tak...sayangku ni mmg tak nak puting..pastu dier ckp lg..."oo...ader yer budak tak nak puting.."pastu hubby jawab "ada...nih.." sambil senyum..aunty tuh sambung lg "anak aunty semua aunty tak bg susu badan...bg puting...malaslah...keje lagik...bla2..."...aku sengih jer la malas nak layan...nasib baik hubby sokong mummy n kata "dah anak lapa nih...takkan tak bagi kan..."...pastu aunty tuh diam...tp pastu dier sambung lg..."kalau tak nak anak nak kat tetek..sapulah bende pahit2 kat situ...tak sedap...diorg tak nak..."...dalam hati ku cakap ish...ader plak wat camtu...mcm kejam beno...aunty takmo bf anak takpela...tp saya nak bf anak saya suka ati saya la..bukan susah pon...gi mana2 bawak bdn n pampers...tak yah termos2 sumer...tp cakap dlm ati...
kat malaysia nih byk lg yer org tak tau kebaikan susu ibu...tak nak bf suka ati korang la...my baby...suka ati la..
Written on Saturday, September 01, 2007 by mummyvaio

Mummy bought this bottle as a last resort after lots of different teats n bottles...because sayangku doesn't want to take ebm from bottle..this one cost rm 15...expensive...yet sayangku not wanting it so much...she plays with it...but gets angry when she becomes hungry n refuses to drink from the bottle...sayangku has not started solid food yet...mummy thinks she is not ready...she still thrust her tounge out when offered spoon...sayangku..please...please...want this bottle...what if mummy has to go somewhere n can't take u wit me...?i know she can...she just refuse to take the bottle...hummm...
Written on Saturday, September 01, 2007 by mummyvaio
My sayangku is now 4 months old...she can't speak yet but she is making a lot of noise..like buehh...ngehh..ummbahh...she talks a lot..n she has really loud voice...her laugh is so cute...but she almost never laugh in front of other except me n hubby...she is easily bored too..my sayangku...mummy prays that she will grow healthily physically..emotionally...today we just got back from PIL's at P***t B****r...this will be our last visit until our flight on September 16th...only two weeks to clean n pack our stuffs...huhuhu...yet i'm still itching to blog...hehehe...ouhh...maybe we're going to N*fN*f tonight...bbq...yummy...!
Written on Sunday, August 26, 2007 by mummyvaio
well...what i am going to say has nothing to do with prison break...hehe...started a new blog today...my previous was http://myflowerpot.blogspot.com/ just needed a new thing...haha..i'll post something else later..