Written on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 by mummyvaio
yesterday,my fareehah turned 1 year old!..yey!made a small chocolate cake..n some food..ajak along je dtg umah..tak celebrate beria pon...hehe...nanti lah fareehah dah besar sket baru leh ajak ramai sket..anyway..semoga fareehah jadi anak dan insan yang baik..amin..nanti tulis lagi..fareehah dok berebut keyboard ngan mama dia...
Written on Friday, April 25, 2008 by mummyvaio

as my baby grows up day by day....she learns as many things as i learn...recently found a really good website called zerotothree...which give a guide for early childhood education.i was always worried that i started too late to develop her learning skills,as i never seriously use flash cards or teach her alphabets recognization properly...well,reading through this website,somehow i feel assured that my methods are quite right...n not too pushy for her...we bought her some concepts book...abc,words n number books..but we let her browse as she likes it.easier to say..we make her lead her own learning pace.at first she was turning all the pages very fast...she kept on turning the pages,n repeat it again...that i wonder...does this make sense?but i keep saying n pointing a few words or picture here n there as she flipped the pages...then these few weeks...she still flipping the pages...but she will pause at pictures that she likes n point to the pictures,n i will said it aloud...it is very exciting when we come to the animal page...when she points to an animal,i will said the animals name aloud and make it sounds...she really likes the lion...when she points at the lion sometimes she will said "akkkhhh"...hehe...very cute indeed.i use the same method when reading storybooks.some times she just flip the pages.so i only point the pictures at her n tell her what we saw...for some words that can be turned into action...i will do dramatic readings..haha..there is one book that amuses her so much..bear book that describe about a baby bear...on the last page is a picture mama bear tickling the baby bear on his tummy...with the final word "and one tickly tum"...everytime i read this sentence i will tickle the baby bear picture.nowadays everytime i read the sentence,fareehah will said "tickly,tickly tummm"..n tickle the baby bear...hehehe...
i do hope she will love to read,as nowadays she will take her book herself for me to read...i almost never have to initiate reading n looking at books to her..=) she takes the lead,n i follow..n that was stressed in the website...follow your child lead...hopefully i am doing the right thing.
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baby reading
Written on Monday, April 21, 2008 by mummyvaio
we laugh n cherished by their existense...n far more important...the lessons we learn from them...always observe a child..n you will notice their similarity....they are not afraid..they take risk...they are not afraid to fail..when they fail...they continue to strive till they succeed...
a baby who learn to walk fall many times..yet she get up again...she may cry a bit when she fell,yet she is not afraid to try again...n when she succeed,she clap her hands.. :)
we the adults sometimes forget those quality that we too have...not so long time ago...sometimes we fall hard n we are so afraid to get up again...we are so afraid to take next step...worried that we may fail..worried that we will not succeed n crushed the hearts of the ones we love...yes...we have too many concerns..that we forgot to concentrate, n just settle for the comforts of our life...we know we can do more yet we are afraid to take the risk...be brave...if being a perfectionist make u afraid..then don't be...at least for the mean time...look at the world through the eyes of a child..n you will see the difference...you will notice..how blue the sky is,how rough the leaf feel on your fingers...even how the wind changes when it blew on your face...n you will see a whole new world...a world with so many possibilities..with so many wonders that you have forgotten to explore...n not to forget that this life is only the DUNIA...
p/s: this advice is for me...who is counting the days to take a new step...be brave me...
Written on Thursday, April 17, 2008 by mummyvaio
corn flour paint:
1/2 cup corn flour
1/2 cup cold water
4 cups boiling water
colour ( i used food color )
method: add corn flour with cold water,then boiling water.boil in pan for 1 minute.cool.scoup into four container.add colouring ,more to make darker colour.store in refrigerator.
for my fareehah i just add cold water,corn flour and color,because i assume she won't get the idea of painting as soon i introduce it to her.just wanna introduce her to paint,n colors, n what u can do with the paint.
more idea from me:
your toddlers will have so much fun dipping their fingers in the color cause it feels muddy,so why not make them do some experiments..such as combining those color to make new color?you can initiate this by asking them..."do you know that we can make more color using these color?"...or just say "do you want to see some magic show?"
then let say u want to make purple color...dip your baby fingers in blue color and smear in a container..then dip into red color n smear into the blue color...and walla!PURPLE color!!!get the idea?...n give your baby a clap after they manged to transform the color!
happy trying!
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baby activity
Written on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 by mummyvaio
yey!today i braven myself to introduce my baby to painting.we did cornflour finger painting n bathtub finger painting
fingerpainting using cornflour:
made three colors..blue,red n yellow.i think i was more excited than my baby...she was more amazed looking at me smearing the colors on the paper...hehe...she was very excited to dip her fingers in the paint..than smearing them on the paper.she laughed so hard while watching me demonstrate it to her...hehe..anyway,i was so glad that she looked as though as she was having fun.although the paper was hardly smeared..haha..maybe when she is bigger she will grasp the idea of painting more...:)
bathtub finger paint:
mix some color n hand wash with water.strip down your baby to her diaper.blob the paint into the empty tub n let her play with it!this one is one very good idea.just careful not to let the baby step on the colors cause it is very slippery.fareehah enjoyed smearing the colors all over the bathtub.she laughed so hard looking at the colors she smeared on the bathtub...haha...afterwards we made bubble using the paint too..!n she was excited looking at the bubbles i made.wash the bathtub with warm water n proceed to having your baby daily bath!
did not manage to take pictures...maybe some other time.the recipes for bathtub paint n cornflour paints colud be obtain from the my link i think...the familyeducation link..
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baby activity
Written on Saturday, April 12, 2008 by mummyvaio

the bedroom
the bedroom from other angle
my house from outside..tgh fuyu la ni..salji pon nak tutup umah
tadi tengok-tengok website fudosan kat okayama...kalo bole nak cari umah sebiji..kalo tak baole..kene apato gak..bukan apa...nihonjin nih kan sensitip sket pasal bising nih...ader anak kecik yg dok berlari melompat kang komplen plak depa kat oyasan..lagipon kalo umah sebijik ni selalu kat area komuniti..n bukan student area sangat..so mungkin lebih sesuai..umah sewa mummy ni 3 bilik...2 bilik 4.5 jyo and satu bilik 6 jyo...yacchin 25000 yen...murah gila aaa...dlm rm 700~800 kana...nak bandin uk...umah 350 GBP about RM 2350...jauh beza kan...tp uk mostly fully furnished aa.. rasa leh dapat tak ikodate bawah 4man yen aa kat okayama..
Written on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 by mummyvaio
kerap kali semasa menyusukan atau menidurkan anak saya,saya akan berpesan supaya dia menjadi seorang yang rajin berusaha,berkelakuan baik,hormat orang tua,sayangkan mama n abahnya,n macam-macam lagi pesanan....semoga pesanan itu melekat dalam mindanya sehingga ke dewasa...dari dia berusia dua bulan saya selalu memberi galakkan kepadanya untuk rajin berusaha...dan tidak hanya menangis...bahkan cuba dan cuba lagi hingga berjaya...pada masa itu dia ingin belajar mengiring dan meniarap...setiap kali dia menangis kerana tidak berjaya menggerakkan tubuhnya...saya akan pujuk fareehah dengan berkata..."cuba lagi ye...nak berjaya kena usaha..tak boleh putus asa...fareehah good girl!"...dan apabila berjaya...pujian dan ciuman sayang saya berikan padanya...sambil tepuk tangan..sejak itu dier memang menjadi seorang yang berusaha gigih untuk mencapai semua baby milestone...dia sangat marah jika saya bantu alihkan tangan dia supaya lebih senang meniarap...dia nak buat sendiri..good girl!...
mesti pelikkan orang kalau dengar saya selalu cakap fareehah kene rajin berusaha pada seorang bayi yang kecil...pada saya sangat penting menerapkan semangat rajin berusaha kepada anak-anak kita dari kecil,supaya mereka lebih berdaya saing apabila besar kelak...mungkin juga semangat berusaha itu telah ditanamkan kepada saya oleh ibu bapa saya sejak kecil maka saya juga ingin semangat itu diteruskan kepada anak saya.saya masih ingat mak saya selalu berpesan supaya rajin berusaha,jika nak sama pandai dengan budak-budak bangsa lain.maklumlah,bersekolah di sekolah di mana melayu adalah minoriti...memang susah nak tengok budak melayu menyinar.tapi alhamdulillah,pesanan dan galakan yang berterusan dari ibu bapa saya...orang pon dah boring tengok muka saya naik pentas amik hadiah tiap-tiap tahun...bak kata seorang kawan cina saya..."eh,mesti boring la orang tengok asek muka u aja dapat nombor satu.."...hahaha...saya sengih je...semasa di sekolah menengah juga mak dan ayah saya bagi galakan yang kuat..kata mereka jika nak masuk sekolah yang bagus ( mrsm la...sebab masa form 1 dapat sbp tapi tak pi..) ,n nak masuk universiti yang bagus kene rajin berusaha...walaupon orang kata melayu ni senang nak masuk universiti..tapi lagi ramai yang pandai dari kita...dan kalau kita nak masuk universiti yang kita nak..kene la dapat result yang bagus supaya pilihan itu di tangan kita..budak result bagus saja yang bole dapat masuk universiti pilihan sendiri...alhamdulillah...selepas spm dipanggil interview oleh JPA untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negeri...dan ditanya negara pilihan...jepun,uk atau us...pilihan saya jepun...n the rest u might have guessed already.bapa saya selalu kata...dia tak punya harta atau wang yang byk untuk anak-anak dia...tp dia boleh beri kasih sayang dan ilmu untuk kami...ilmu adalah satu-satunya bekal untuk kami menghadapi dunia ini...tanpa ilmu u are nothing...yes...i agree...parents saya tak pernah take for granted yang melayu nih ada kuota nak masuk universiti etc...walaupon anak-anak die semua jenis memang layak nak masuk universiti..tapi tekankan kene berusaha dengan kuat untuk capai apa yang kami mahu...bukan dengan bantuan "orang dalam" atau orang panggil "kabel"...kalau layak masuk,tak layak...terima lah apa yang selayaknya kita terima...
kita mesti percaya bahawa rezeki dunia ini milik semua...dan milik mereka yang berusaha...tak mengira bangsa dan warna kulit....
Written on Thursday, April 03, 2008 by mummyvaio

ari nie terbaca kisah sufiah..budak genius yg masuk oxford masa dia 13 thn...n what become of her now...kesian sangat...aduh...sedih bila baca how she turns up...nauzubillah...bila baca kisah sufiah makin la risau tentang fareehah n kalau ader rezeki adek-adek fareehah...betapa besar n beratnya tanggungjawab yang di amanahkan oleh Allah kepada mummy n hubby...sangat-sangat berat...ya Allah semoga Engkau permudahkan segala urusan kami...
mummy masih mentah sangat2 dalam hal mendidik anak..yerla..anak kami baru umur berapa kan...tapi...banyak sangat yang perlu difikirkan...7 years from now my baby akan masuk sekolah...so what should i do to prepare her mentally n physically?...i want her to love to learn...to love discovering new things...n love the knowledge that Allah had laid so widely for us to explore...yet i don't want my good intentions to push her over her limits...where do i draw the line...right now i just go with her flow...read when she wants to read...eat when she wants to eat...play when she wants to play...sing n dance when she wants to...sumtimes use flashcards to entertain her...that is all...but since she is going to be one...i am aiming for a more structural schedule....i will still do as she wants...but i hope to slip in a new activity for her once a week...maybe some craft or art or discovery or science or music activity for her...walking in the park a few times a week for some exercise..( anyone care to join me for this activities..?) ...i am training myself to explain more things to her...not difficult things...just simple things in life...why do we have to brush our teeth...what is inside our meal today...simple things like that...n her ask her questions...why do you arrange the blocks like that...right now i am browsing books n websites that teach fun stuffs to do with ur babies n toddlers...have a book or two in mind...maybe gonna buy them..
for a new mummy like me...other people might think other wise..i always think that religion,love and knowledge is the most important...n hubby always remind me to do things the way Islam taught us...to love our children the islam taught us,to give them knowledge the way islam taught us...islam is a way of life..when we are confused n need guidance...islam is the answer...n to make rasulullah s.aw our role model in life...i pray to Allah to open our hearts to be nearer to His path...amin...n do pray for us too ehh..
Written on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 by mummyvaio
a scen from sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S....
Rachel: Listen. Sudden change of plans. My maternity leave just ended. They told me that if I didn't come back today, they were gonna fire me.
Ross: What? No, that's illegal. I'm gonna have the labor department down her so fast they won't even...
Rachel: Alright, alright. Calm down Norma Rae. They didn't actually say that. I'm just afraid if I don't come back right now this guy's gonna try to squeeze me out.
Ross: What about Emma? We don't have a nanny.
Rachel: I know. You know, we're just gonna have to figure out a plan tonight. Can you please just take care of her for today?
Ross: Absolutely. Just give me your breast and we'll be on our way.
Rachel: Come on, I don't know what else to do.
Ross: Fine, fine. (To Emma) We'll have fun, won't we? Yes, we will, yes we will. (Gives her a kiss, and the pink bow tapes itself to his head.)
after the scripts on BOLD,my hubby said..."la...pam le.."
hehe...i am so proud of my hubby who is very supportive of breastfeeding..hehe
tu je..
Written on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 by mummyvaio
time is precious...everyone knows it...but we hardly appreciate it until we think we have no time...everyday i have 1~2 hours a day for myself..it occurs when my baby napping in the afternoon...like now...that is the time for me to solat,eat lunch,wash the clothes,tidying the room,surf the internet for some latest news,reading some blogs...surf some more for some info about babies,health,etc...it is a really precious 1 hour...some people might say...well u get a free hour per day...so what..?it makes a big difference to me...because it is the time i can fully concentrate on me...that is the only time i can quench my thirst for knowledge...through the internet...n it does make me more cheerful as a person...
i have no complaints on my own decision to be a SAHM...u luv spending so much time with my baby,but sometimes being a mum to a fussy baby can really put u to some edge...before this my baby only wanted to sleep on my lap...as soon as i put her on the sleeping mat she will scream her head off until i pick her up...so...though she was sleeping ..i could not get anything done...n eventhough i get some time surfing on the internet...i end up having bad backache n neckache...we bought a new pram for her...very cosy one..n can fully reclined down...to be used as her cot also during the day...keep it fuwa-fuwa..n warm...n tried to get her to sleep in there..n it worked!what a relief...n that is how i get my precious 1 hour a day...THE END